Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's Not About Me..

this is a book by Max Lucado.. similar to Rick Warren's "the purpose driven life", Max explains here that we are created to be Son Reflectors.. it's definitely not about us, it's all about HIM! our lives.. they should radiate God's character to others.. in the same way a mirror reflects our image, our lives should be an example of God's goodness, grace, mercy, and loving kindness. people should be able to tell that we are living after God's heart. it should be evident in our words and actions.. and this is, i believe, the most difficult part of living a Christlike life.

first off, Jesus is perfect. He's the unblemished, sinless sacrifice.. now that's a hard act to follow. as humans, we are flawed.. we are prone to stumble every once in a while.. which is why we can never be like Jesus on our own. we need God's help.. we need the Holy Spirit to help us to live selflessly for Christ..